Who We Are

Welcome to Teach Me Fashion, your ultimate destination for all things fashion-related! Founded with a passion for creativity and a love for style, Teach Me Fashion is dedicated to empowering individuals to express themselves through the art of clothing design and creation. At Teach Me Fashion, we believe that fashion is more than just clothes; it's a form of self-expression, a way to tell your story without saying a word. Whether you're a seasoned fashionista or a complete beginner, our mission is to provide you with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration you need to unleash your creativity and bring your unique vision to life.
Our Story:
Teach Me Fashion was born out of a desire to demystify the world of fashion design and make it accessible to everyone. Our founder, Mr. Maikem Anderson F, has always had a passion for fashion and a knack for creating beautiful garments. However, they quickly realized that many aspiring designers lacked the resources and guidance needed to pursue their dreams. Determined to change that, Mr. Maikem Anderson F set out to create a platform where aspiring designers could learn the ins and outs of fashion design from industry experts. Thus, Teach Me Fashion was born, with a mission to educate, inspire, and empower individuals to turn their passion for fashion into a fulfilling career

Teach Me Fashion was initially located in DOUALA CAMEROON , but the branch in LATVIA EUROPE, Will serve you the most outstanding outfits you have ever seen. Our collections are meant for everyone and can be made just for you in case of special orders. We will deliver the most outstanding designs throughout various seasons, most of which will be summer drip.

We are happy to see you here and hope you love us and share a good story. You can check us on YouTube for updates on fashion events around the world.

Our Mission

THE TEACH ME FASHION team works around the clock to bring you the world’s most interesting styles.
TEACH ME FASHION exists for the love of fashion. We believe in empowering individuality and personalities, and our mission is to be the global platform for luxury fashion, connecting creators, curators and consumers.